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About Our Company

High-performance hosting and a helping hand... from startup to enterprise level.

KEKhost's Mission

Our mission is to offer customers industry-leading Web hosting services and tools, coupled with superior customer support. We arm our customers with the Online capabilities of large corporations without burdensome infrastructure - at an affordable price.

Our goal is to provide you with innovative web hosting services and online tools to broaden your Customer reach and Care.


You'll have the control you need to set your Web Site apart from the rest. You need world class web hosting... We deliver!

Your Web site deserves a good infrastructure. That means hosting it somewhere that gives you room to grow, capable administration tools, reliable performance, and responsive 24-hour, 7-day customer service. Our Network gives you plenty of opportunities to develop a well-trafficked site at a small cost. Administration of the site is easy... you can configure almost anything related to your site using it.


We are totally committed to your satisfaction. We care about your success, your future and your business.

Brief History

KEKhost, a KEK Technology Inc member Network was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Bowie, Maryland. We focus on the important things — easy to use quality services at affordable prices.


Our mix of superior technology and dedication to customer support has helped us build a base of Thousands of our clients who refer their business associates and industry partners to KEKhost each year.


We use several network partners to ensure 100% uptime and prevent saturation of certain access links. For outgoing traffic we use the shortest available route provided by any network partner. For inbound traffic we use all network partners.

 © KEKhost.COM: a KEK Technology Inc. Company